Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Hi, My name is Malak Hafez i'm 11 years my hair is short ,the color of my hair is dark brown my eyes are really dark brown .I live in Cairo/Egypt my school is CISE  ,i live with my parents.,and my  brother and sister .
My hobbies are "tennis ,swimming ,drawing and coloring "

Things that make me laugh are 

  1. The Ellen show 
  2. Comedy shows 
  3. Comedy films 

Things that makes me cry 

  1. When i'm hurt{feelings}
  2. When i watch emotional things 
  3. When i remember amazing memories with my old friends 

Things that makes me angry

  1. When someone is telling me to do  something with no reason and doesn't make any sense to do it 
  2. When someone is bulling 
  3. when someone try to let people down   
I'm most afraid of 

  1. cats 
  2. car accidents 
If i was invisible for 3 day 

  1. I will scare people
  2. I will go shopping 
  3. I will have fun 
The last book i read was

High school musical 3

What i enjoyed  about it is

That no matter how long is the distance they didn't give up on each other  

My greatest strength is 

That  i can defend my self some people can't 

My greatest weakness is 

My brother and sister 

If i could have three wishes they would be

  1. That i go to Bora Bora 
  2. That i  meet alisha marie 
  3. That i meet Kylie Jenner 

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