Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Hi my name is Emma Richard I'm a doctor i  give birth here is a story when i gave birth to boy named  August so here it is 

Before August was born 2 months before i realized that there is something wrong with his face i was really  worried about this boy being born but i didn't really think that it's really bad but i was still worried a little bit.August had something named "small anomalies".The day august was born there was to nurses to help me there was one of them that had big arms and  farted all the time.I wasn't on time so i let a smaller doctor to replace me till i come.When i gave berth to august i told the d to take August  immediately and his mother didn't  saw him.his dad followed the nurse and august mother wanted to  see were they were going but the other nurse put her big arm on the mother so she couldn't see were they are going. i was fighting with the farting nurse because she was  screaming at the mom of august to calm down.The nurse sat with the mom till me and the nurse and the dad of august came and we knew that August  was really sick and i told the mom how much August was really sick 

And this is the story of august 

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