Tuesday, October 30, 2018


My favorite TV-show is the The Ellen Show 
i love Ellen and also all the activities and all the things she does on her TV show
 Image result for the ellen showImage result for the ellen show

On her TV show  she surprise wife with her  husband that works as a solider give people that can't afford money she give them  cares house and money she also have games and if you win you can go to a concert to travel things like that  she brings people that has his really favorite celebrity and she bring this fan and surprise the fan with the celebrity she's a really kind woman she helps others throw there dreams and also helps them to have a pretty and generous life    Image result for ellen  helping other people


Hi my name is Emma Richard I'm a doctor i  give birth here is a story when i gave birth to boy named  August so here it is 

Before August was born 2 months before i realized that there is something wrong with his face i was really  worried about this boy being born but i didn't really think that it's really bad but i was still worried a little bit.August had something named "small anomalies".The day august was born there was to nurses to help me there was one of them that had big arms and  farted all the time.I wasn't on time so i let a smaller doctor to replace me till i come.When i gave berth to august i told the d to take August  immediately and his mother didn't  saw him.his dad followed the nurse and august mother wanted to  see were they were going but the other nurse put her big arm on the mother so she couldn't see were they are going. i was fighting with the farting nurse because she was  screaming at the mom of august to calm down.The nurse sat with the mom till me and the nurse and the dad of august came and we knew that August  was really sick and i told the mom how much August was really sick 

And this is the story of august 

Monday, October 29, 2018

My believes

Every one has his own opinions and belives

I don't believe in luck because you always have To work hard to reach the level that you want  or To get what you want .You will not sit or just wish for it and it comes to you and say  that's luck your lying To your self 

People understand the word luck in three ways 
1-Take this coin it will keep you lucky for your whole life" A coin will let you be lucky you its just a coin . "
2-Oh your lucky you are in the basketball team you will win a lot of money "   It doesn't mean that he  is in the basketball team and him/her will win a lot of money so he is lucky it's because he know how to play and he worked hard to get in the team 
3-Your a very lucky person you win every match you play " It's not because he /her won every match so he is a lucky person it's only because he worked and trained hard to be prepared for any competion or matches "


It's a rule it's something that you must follow and it explains for us what we are aloud To do and what we are not allowed To do

Some people do not follow the rules they just do want they want don't care what will happen after but the important thing is that they do what they want .People just do anything that goes on there mind if it's dangerous ,wrong ,write they don't think about this thing's they just do it and don't care if it hurts the people around them or bother them or your parents will do if they found out

What you must do?? 
You must think before you do anything see if it's write or wrong is it gonna affect anyone, will it affect me what I will win if I did it you have To ask many questions. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


See the source imageFAMILY

  1. They always love you  no matter what you do and support you no matter what is going on 
  2. They are here for you no matter what happened
  3. they always wish for you the  best in your life and to be happy  


The video said a lot of words  that people should use many times

There is people that Don't say this 2 important words.

1.thank you
.this words a lot of people don't use this words they are important To say and many others words also people should be respectful and caring people about friends and family

1.The video showed us 20 words that we should use it often some words are for supporting being kind and respectful 

2.words that we should use it often 
   1-Thank you
     3-Exuse me 
      4-Have a good day 
       5-Good morning 
        6-Good afternoon
         7-Good night
          8-how are you?



1.A boy has granted a lot of trophies during each soccer match for his newly invented goals.
2.Some puppies from all foreign countries came for our novelty show.
3.A rare green mushroom with red foot has been  found at schools garden next to cise kindergarten playground area.

Check out Nola's new birthday cupcakes 😋  

The news

What are the type of dogs??

There is 52 types of dogs

  1. Bull dog
  2. German Shepherd 
  3. Labrador retriever 
  4. Beagle 
  5. Poodle 
  6. Golden Retriever 
  7. Chihuahua
  8. Pug
  9. Boxer
  10. Dachshund
  11. Maltese dog 
  12. Yorkshire Terrier 
  13. French bulldog 
  14. Siberian Husky
  15. Dobermann
  16. Chow Chow 
  17. Shih Tzu 
  18. Great Dane 
  19. Akita
  20. Rottweiler 
  21. Staffordshire Bull Terrier 
  22. English Mastiff
  23. Cavalier King Charles spaniel
  24. Pomeranian
  25. American Staffordshire terrier 
  26. Newfoundland dog 
  27. Greyhound 
  28. Bull Terrier 
  29. Border Collie 
  30. Australian shepherd 
  31. Old English sheep dog 
  32. Pointer 
  33. English cocker spaniel 
  34. Basset hound 
  35. Pointer 
  36. Papillon dog 
  37. Alaskan malamute 
  38. Bishon frise
  39. King Charles Spaniel 
  40. Bernese mountain dog
  41. Pembroke welsh corgi 
  42. Rough collie 
  43. Dalmatian dog
  44. Afghan hound 
  45. Australian cattle dog 
  46. Boston terrier
  47. miniature pinscher
  48. Affenpincher
  49. Bassenji 
  50. Borzoi 
  51. Havanese dog
  52. American Eskimo dog 

Friday, October 19, 2018

The book cover

Here's a book cover Of a home decorations book

Hope you liked my covers 


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Things about me

As I talked about myself a little bit here is more
Here is a little reminder about me

My name is lexy I'm 21 years old 
and I'm a super woman  I love going To My missions and saving the world from any danger 
 ,everyday I drink coffee the day that pass and I didn't drink coffee I'm not focused and I can be lazy the hall day and can't go to any mission of the day  so that's why  everyday I  drink coffee I love my house a lot but it's weird because I'm never in my house I'm always at hotels or saving the world 
People always try To discover me and my friends but till now no one knows sometimes if any journalist saw us sometime they get really personal and they ask stuff that are non of there business I don't like that sometimes people try To take our maskes off To discover who we are 
My grandma died 1.30 year ago because the bad people that's why I tried out for the super woman team I went to boxing ,kick boxing ,fitness, sky diving ,jumping from long distance ,had personal training I've won many competitions I think I think I deserve To be a super woman after all these hard work I've been throw I've been a super woman 9 years now 


My adventures around the world

Hey guys I'm back i'm lexy  OK so now I will talk about my map 

I'm a woman that is never at home and every day is a different palace because every day I have a mission I went all around the worldI've went To many places but I went to this places many times 

and many other places . I've travel a lot of times .I went to bora bora by tarte and Paris by benefit basically I just wanted To tell you about  my life a little bit 

Los Angeles 


Tuesday, October 9, 2018


My character 
Hi my name is lexy I'm 21 years old I'm a super woman I work undercover I save the planet of danger I work so hard every day My other best  friends are Julia,dina,nataly they are also super women's My  favourite color is grey and white and My favourite animal is dog that's why my costume is a dog and his color is grey and white no one knows that I'm a super woman it's a secret I love shopping and watching super women's and super man's films or series on TV My neighbors thinks that I'm crazy after seeing me revising My moves I don't like eating but I like sweets I can be rude To people that are bad persons and try To go away from them in my personal life I draw and have an art store. 

Wait for more about me 


Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Hi, My name is Malak Hafez i'm 11 years my hair is short ,the color of my hair is dark brown my eyes are really dark brown .I live in Cairo/Egypt my school is CISE  ,i live with my parents.,and my  brother and sister .
My hobbies are "tennis ,swimming ,drawing and coloring "

Things that make me laugh are 

  1. The Ellen show 
  2. Comedy shows 
  3. Comedy films 

Things that makes me cry 

  1. When i'm hurt{feelings}
  2. When i watch emotional things 
  3. When i remember amazing memories with my old friends 

Things that makes me angry

  1. When someone is telling me to do  something with no reason and doesn't make any sense to do it 
  2. When someone is bulling 
  3. when someone try to let people down   
I'm most afraid of 

  1. cats 
  2. car accidents 
If i was invisible for 3 day 

  1. I will scare people
  2. I will go shopping 
  3. I will have fun 
The last book i read was

High school musical 3

What i enjoyed  about it is

That no matter how long is the distance they didn't give up on each other  

My greatest strength is 

That  i can defend my self some people can't 

My greatest weakness is 

My brother and sister 

If i could have three wishes they would be

  1. That i go to Bora Bora 
  2. That i  meet alisha marie 
  3. That i meet Kylie Jenner