Wednesday, November 7, 2018


''Mom i don't want to go you heard what ms.Tushman said i'm so scared''says jack
''jack stop this baby attitude it doesn't mean he looks  not good so he is not a good person don;t ever judge someone by there looks''says the mother with an angry voice .''Your mother is write jack maybe he can turn out a really nice boy why not try''said the dad ''jack i had someone in my class to has something in his face and he turned out a really funny and kind boy now me and him are best friends''say jack's little brother Jamie ''you mean this ugly boy Jackson'' say jack with this disgusted face''don't say about him ugly '' say Jamie in a angry face ''your one of the bullies'' 
''stop it you too,jack you are going and be nice to august don't ask questions about his look, let's go Julian's mom is waiting outside for you bye '' said the mother with an angry voice. ''bye '' say jack with a sad voice, 

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