Tuesday, May 14, 2019


This week i went to a camp with cise at beit  el wadi  i had lots of fun i liked that i was with my friends in the cabin and many new activities like i did exercises in the morning which i never do in my normal life.I've took many experiences from this camp. I was really happy because i got a chance to be friends with many people and now were really good friends.
Image result for be happy with your life quotes


Today, i had the chance to listen to the grades 8 valedictorian speeches i though that all speeches were really nice but i only liked 3.All speeches were sweet and i liked that every person talked about different things.Some speeches were fun,sweet,and there was 2 or 1 person that talked about bulling and how that  every person is awesome with everything they have and how some people change their self to make other people  accept them to be their friends.Some people thanked every teacher with almost a paragraph and they also thanked their friends,family and specially their parents.I think that some people were shy,nervous and stressed because we were a lot of people  in the auditorium we were all grade 7 and grade 8.But some people weren't shy they were confident with their self and every word they said.I remember this girl in grade 8 that she was so confident and wasn't shy at all i was amazed that she wasn't scared to say things  like how when we are given the choice to go to the principal or the vice principal we will choose the vice principal because we know that he's gonna forgive us.Honestly it was funny ad the same time i wanted to see the principal's reaction and he laughed.I was really happy i got the chance to listen to all this amazing 12 speeches and i learned many things from them.   

Tuesday, May 7, 2019




This quote is extremely strong and means a lot to this generation compared to other generations. First of all what is a social media playground? A social media playground is exactly like a normal playground... but online, nos swings, no slides and most importantly no real life people, everything is online and digitally. Some of the most important social media apps that are  used among this generation are:InstagramWhatsappSnapchatyoutube and twitter.  

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Blog#14 the trouble with dragons

I think that  "Debi Gliori" wrote this story cause many peoples doesn't care about polluting water,street,and the air.So she decided to write about how the dragons over pollute the world so they should stop before it's to late.And also attract people to stop polluting and worn other people.The trouble of the dragons is that they are polluting the world.I personally don't know any dragon and specially i'm not one.I do believe that dragons should change their way cause they are more polluting the world.Dragons could not represent a company or a country if they don't stop polluting the world.The dragons could not be individual because they will never learn from their mistakes or know them if they don't have dragons to worn them.I think that the book is effective to kids because it warn kids that they aren't aloud to throw things anywhere except the trashcan.So when they grow up they aren't gonna be used to pollute the world.No "Debi Glori" didn't use any figurative language.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Blog#13 Grandmother Had One Good Coat

My opinion about this topic is that people should starts to find solution to decrease the amount of homeless people in the country
the poem shows how did the homeless big women lived.I don't think that Egypt ids doing enough to help homeless people.

The poem:

Egypt we should start solving 
We are understood and stopping

We should try and help
We are taking in  a step

Do not worry 
we are trying to hurry 

We are coming so 
stop humming 

We are coming to save you 
And save others too


Blog#11 Gratitude

  1. I'am grateful of having friends because friends play an important role in your  life you always enjoy having time with them even though you can have fights
  2. I'am grateful of having a school to learn  because school  is one of the important things in your life. It's also a way to see your friends everyday.At school you learn new things and share new things the school plays a big role for your future.
  3. I'am grateful of having a peace of lazy cake because i love chocolate.
  4. I'am grateful of finishing my puzzle that was 300 pieces because i love doing puzzles. 
  5. I'am grateful of having time to spend with my family cause i love them so much.
  6. I'am grateful of catching up on my blogs and commonlit and all my missing work
  7. I'am grateful of watching my favorite movie cause I've been waiting for my dad to download it 
  8. I'am grateful of drinking my favorite juice cause i adore the mango flavor.
  9. I'am grateful  of eating my favorite meal on lunch 
  10. I'am grateful of finishing my homework early.  

Blog#10 the trip

If i could go on a trip around the world i would take my cousins because they haven't travel outside of  Egypt so i would take them with me and also because i love having fun with them