Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Today, i had the chance to listen to the grades 8 valedictorian speeches i though that all speeches were really nice but i only liked 3.All speeches were sweet and i liked that every person talked about different things.Some speeches were fun,sweet,and there was 2 or 1 person that talked about bulling and how that  every person is awesome with everything they have and how some people change their self to make other people  accept them to be their friends.Some people thanked every teacher with almost a paragraph and they also thanked their friends,family and specially their parents.I think that some people were shy,nervous and stressed because we were a lot of people  in the auditorium we were all grade 7 and grade 8.But some people weren't shy they were confident with their self and every word they said.I remember this girl in grade 8 that she was so confident and wasn't shy at all i was amazed that she wasn't scared to say things  like how when we are given the choice to go to the principal or the vice principal we will choose the vice principal because we know that he's gonna forgive us.Honestly it was funny ad the same time i wanted to see the principal's reaction and he laughed.I was really happy i got the chance to listen to all this amazing 12 speeches and i learned many things from them.   

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