Thursday, January 3, 2019

My strength and weakness

                     What is my weakness and strength???     

What is my STRENGTH 

My strength is math i love math it's my favorite subject in school  it's the only subject i can understand easily.        

What is my weekness

    My weakness is English i can talk and write in English but not very good there is a lot of words and things i can't understand so i'm trying o improve it by reading and understanding new words

 what is MY SMART GOAL

    My smart goal is improve my English by reading and understanding words that i can't understand.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Malak! Makes perfect resolution for the New Year ;)

    Remember to separate your sentences with full stops [.] and start new ones with capital letters. There is no need to capitalize all the words in sentences, it give your audience the feeling of being yelled at.
